Sunday 22 December 2013

How to built an ecommerce website

By on 04:58
Stand for electronic commerce, is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the transaction's life-cycle, although it may encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices, social media, and telephones as well.
Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of business transactions. This is an effective and efficient way of communicating within an organization and one of the most effective and useful ways of conducting business.
Running an ecommerce site can become a boring task if it isn't designed properly. It becomes extremely tough for an online merchant to embrace the extra bit of conversion rate from a poorly designed site. An online shopping site can open up bunch of new market for businesses, given that it is developed with utmost care and precision, otherwise it can turn out to be disorder. Therefore, a person who owns or operates an ecommerce site must ensure that it is designed and developed         accurately. 

Before a person goes for ecommerce website development, there are few essential things that should be considered by him. Given below are five essential tips that can be extremely useful to online merchants and lead to development of successful ecommerce site, especially for those who are about to enter the market of online shopping. 
Detailed Product Information
Shopping in a brick-and-mortar store is different from online store because in the former, customers are able to reach out to each and every single detail of any product. This is not the same with online shopping as such interaction is not possible, and this increases the need for detailed product information. During the development of your ecommerce site, do remember to provide as much information as you can. Starting right from sizes and weights to dimensions and materials, do not leave out any single entity. Avoid using technical terms and emphasize more on using descriptive language as it will have a greater impact on customers.
Proper Checkout Process
This is another common mistake committed by ecommerce site owners. Most online merchants tend to put in a lot of steps in between handing over their payment and order completion. Make sure that you provide your consumers with an ideal checkout process that should include a single page where they can check their order and complete their billing and shipping information. Remember, the more lengthy you make your checkout process; the more chances are that your customer leaves the site without completing the order.
Product Images
This is again one of the most important aspects of ecommerce development. Unlike brick-and-mortar store, people do not get the chance to view products from each and every angle. Therefore, try your level best to provide them with large image sizes. Tiny product images are only going to bring the image down of your website. You can also allow visitors to zoom in by clicking on the image.
Payment Options
Browse the Internet and you'll find plenty of sites that allow payment either through Visa and MasterCard or PayPal. But, do not restrict yourself to this. What about your customers who do not have PayPal or credit cards? What if they want to make payments straight from their bank account? So, do not put restrictions when it comes to payment options. Provide as many options as you can. Include payment service that allows payment with major credit cards, and don't leave out PayPal either. When it comes to online payments, different customers have different choices and catering to different payment modes will surely result in expansion of customer base.
Contact Information
Online shopping thrives on trust factor. Before a consumer actually purchases products from your site, he needs to know that he's sealing the deal with a real company. Consumers want to get every bit of information that they can. Therefore, put down your contact information where it'll be clearly and easily visible. Right from contact forms and fax numbers to cell phone numbers and email addresses, give them as many contact options as possible. Proper and clear contact information motivates their trust factor. If possible, allow them to contact a real person and give            them    the       help     they     need.

There may be several tools and technologies available for ecommerce development but, customer engagement is the key to a successful ecommerce site. Keep an eye on the ever changing market trends and always ask questions. Get feedbacks and suggestions from your consumers on how you can make your site and services better. As far as development of your site is concerned, you can hire services of a reputed ecommerce website development company. By hiring the services of a reputed company, you can have experienced developers with sound technical expertise. Moreover, hiring these services also help you in cutting down on overall ecommerce website development cost.


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